Notice Board
Bundanoon is Brigadoon

Where the Southern Highlands come alive with the sound of bagpipes. It's once a year and always in April.
The little village of Bundanoon stages one of the biggest highland gatherings in the Southern Hemisphere. Bands and Scots come to this event from all over the world to exhibit their piping skills. Many other events are portrayed, some traditional and some not so traditional, such as caber tossing, haggis hurling and dress competitions.
The spectacle of all the massed pipe bands in all their regalia, pomp and ceremony together with the sounds of Scotland makes it a day to remember. The program of events begin with a street parade and continued throughout the day with individual events that captivated the audience. Whoever attends this event will never be disappointed. They will encounter memories that will perpetuate throughout the years.

Victorian State Tartan presented to the Queen

The Victorian Premier Mr Brumby and his wife, Rosemary Mckenzie, met with the Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle in Scotland earlier in October 2009.
During the visit Mr. John Brumby presented the Queen with a Victorian State tartan rug.
Victorian State Tartan ties were presented to Princes Phillip, Charles, William and Harry with Her Royal Highness, Princess Anne receiving a traditional scarf in the State tartan.
The Victorian State tartan rug was hand loomed in Australia using the finest chosen Merino wools to the specifications of the designer.
Messer M & F Lawson traditional weavers of The Crofters Weaving Mill were commissioned by Betty J Johnston to produce this unique one off item for the Premiers visit.
Mr Brumby explained the design label and the antecedence details of the Australian tartan designer Mrs. Betty J Johnston.
The Australian National Tartan

Some facts and brief history about the Australian National Tartan, hopefully it will be of interest to you.
Having now formally designed in Australia for interested parties, state, district and commercial some eight registered tartans I saw the need for Australia to have its own official Australian National Tartan. In the conceptual growth and design of a new millennium tartan many elements must be considered even before the initial test run is actioned. Consolation, patience and acceptance are a key facture in the mixture of tradition, colours, providence and the need to complete the journey of the tartan.
Mission Concept: To design, register and produce an official Australian Nation Tartan.
Australia had a need to have its own registered, official, accredited and recognised National Tartan, one that would be recognised Internationally and accepted by Australians. The tartan would display provenance and symbolism for Australians.
I chose the colour spectrum to best symbolise Australia in consultation with Mr Kerry Morcombe from the Protocol department of the Federal Government in Canberra. Mr Morcombe stated that "European settlers to Australia looked for symbols to represent the spirit and attitudes of their new land and its colonial settlements. They desired news symbols as a way to bury their dark convict past and replace it with the promise of a bright future".
As the tartan is still seen as one of the most enduring symbols of kinship, which gave every clan a sense of belonging, so the concept of the Australian National Tartan was initiated. What better way than to embrace a symbol that has existed for hundreds of years- the tartan.
I had chosen colours and reasons for them with considerable thought to the finished product. Colours that depict our country mixed with history and ones that would be accepted by the Protocol Department of the Federal Government as in the final analysis the Government would have the say in accepting this as the official Australian National Tartan.
Colours: Red, White, Blue, Green, Gold, and Black.
Red White and Blue-these colours stem from our National flag and from the time that Captain James Cook first raised the flag (Union Jack) on Australian soil.
The six white stripes represent the Southern Cross constellation, which is unique to this hemisphere. This also includes our Federation or Commonwealth Star.
Red and White stripes represent the Red Cross of St George (England) on a white background.
White Diagonal cross represents St Andrews (Scotland) on a dark blue background.
Red Diagonal cross represents St Patrick (Ireland).
Green and gold were formally proclaimed by the Australian Government as National colours in 1984 after many requests were made to have traditional sporting colours.
The Black stripes in the tartan represents Australian's early beginnings as a convict settlement- a dark area of our history.
These are the reasons for the colours chosen, now as to the proportion of colours the sett in the pattern that has been designed.
The blue and green colours have the greater proportion within the sett. I have taken this concept from nature. As Australians look out we see mostly blue skies and green trees, so it is these two colours I have given to the background of the tartan.
The Australian National Tartan woollen fabric is milled in Scotland and produced in the following cloth/tartan weights: Lightweight fabric (LWF) and 13 oz worsted wool. The LWF is produced in completed items such as scarves, ties, bow ties, sashes other apparel. 13 oz weight is recommended and used for ladies kilts and men's kilt and items such as piper plaids
The Australian National Tartan is physically held and exclusively owned by Betty and Bradley Johnston who hold copy and intellectual rights to this tartan.
Betty J Johnston.
Victorian Ambulance Tartan now available
Registered number 10153

RED - This is symbolic of the true Maltese Cross, a recognised age-old symbol which portraits humanitarian relief and medical care, forming the centre pivot of the sett.
BLACK - Black is not a colour, but is classified as a hue and therefore it depicts neutrality, which officer's project at all times when performing their duties within the community.
WHITE - Portraits the white stars depicted on the Victorian State of Arms and have further significance for Australia, represents the Southern Cross Constellation, a unique feature of the Southern Hemisphere.
YELLOW - The two lines represent the modern mobility of the service, which provides mobile accident and emergency treatment support to victims and portraits the dedication of the Ambulance service members.
BLUE - Dark blue represents the uniform of the day a component of the service and has symbolic representation of the blue on the Victorian State coat of Arms.
The light blue which forms the circle backdrop of the badge is symbolic of the unbroken and continuous service which is provided to the people of Victoria.